Need Insurance – Compare ACA Marketplace Health Plans

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Need Insurance – Compare ACA Marketplace Health Plans

What Are The Different Types of Affordable Care Act – ACA (Obamacare) Plans

Plan CategoryPlan PaysYou PayPrice Level

Bronze Plan
The bronze plan is an economy plan. It has the lowest monthly premium, but the highest out-of-pocket costs. It is set up to have the insurance companies cover 60% of your healthcare costs, which leaves 40% to come out of your pocket. Because the out-of-pocket costs for this plan are high, it’s ideal for someone with good health who doesn’t plan on going to the doctor’s office often.

Silver Plan
With this plan, 70% of out-of-pocket costs are covered by the insurance company, while the consumer covers the remaining 30%. The silver plan may be enticing to low-income individuals as you can only qualify for out-of-pocket savings (known as the cost-sharing reduction) by choosing a Silver Plan. You can, however, qualify for premium tax credits with any plan.

Gold Plan
The gold plan has insurance companies covering 80% of medical care costs, which leaves 20% to be paid by the consumer. In exchange for the lower out-of-pocket costs, consumers will have to pay a higher premium. This plan is great for people who require frequent care and as a result, prefer lower out-of-pocket costs.

Platinum Plan
The final plan of the is the Platinum Plan. This plan has the highest monthly premium, but the lowest out-of-pocket costs. In fact, the consumer is responsible for only 10% of their medical costs, while the insurance company pays for 90%. As such, this plan is great for consumers with conditions that require constant care or prescriptions.

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